
writer:China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment time:2019-04-16



With great efforts for almost four years, China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), conducted the proficiency testing of Draft Survey in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, for the first time on 29 June 2017. In total, 108 inspectors from 42 accredited and 4 applicant inspection bodies participated. A combination of video images and test questions were used in the proficiency testing program. The practical abilities of the inspectors were examined through video images which can also be viewed fragmentally to reconstruct spot inspections. The theoretical knowledge of the inspectors was assessed using test questions. This is a breakthrough and innovation in methods for applying proficiency testing to inspection activities.

In total, 29 main errors were identified and ranked according to the frequency of occurrence in the proficiency testing of draft survey. The technical level of the 108 inspectors was also sorted with the results of 87 inspectors classed as satisfactory, 4 inspectors basically satisfactory, and 17 inspectors graded as unsatisfactory. Inspection bodies with inspectors graded as unsatisfactory are required by CNAS to provide technical training for the relevant inspectors, to test and verify the effectiveness of the training and to keep the records for on-site review.

This proficiency testing provides an effective and objective assessment for the ability of the inspectors and overcomes many difficulties, such as time-consuming spot inspections and changing environmental factors. This new trial of proficiency testing for inspection bodies was well received by domestic experts and inspection bodies. On the bases of this experience, CNAS will continue to explore and improve and conduct more proficiency testing programs for inspection bodies.